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Sustainable Futures 2021: Opportunities and Actions

Published by The Futures Laboratory

Why is this report on our Hub?
The Sustainable Futures 2021 report explores innovations in sustainability, highlighting action points and ways in which to move from sustainability to regeneration by using open-source technology, encouraging companies to take responsibility along their entire value chain to demystify carbon footprinting and offsetting, allowing consumers to make informed choices when purchasing clothing, shoes or food products.

Weeva thinks this report provides insights into the meaning of sustainability, and the challenges around sustainable production, encouraging transparency where challenges are experienced, and ultimately aims for regeneration in the supply chain. It looks at the generational gaps by considering what different generations value, and ways in which to address these differences.

Executive Summary

The Sustainability Report explores the challenges around ‘sustainability’ as a marketing tool which has been co-opted by greenwashing brands and what it actually means. The report looks at innovations in localised supply chains, regenerative agriculture and decarbonising diets. The report considers ways in which can go from offsetting our damage to the environment to not causing damage through our choices. Innovative brands have added their solutions through by interviews, sharing innovations in technology. It encourages brands to not just consider their environmental impact but also consider their social and economic imperatives. The report includes consumer trends, drivers, opportunities, scenarios of what 2030 might look at and strategic worksheets to assess ecological footprints and ways in which to improve supply chains and value chains, environmental footprinting, and messaging.

Read the report: Sustainable Futures 2021: Opportunities and Actions

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